I do not own the rights to acts of kindness, but it is something I practice every day. It will be classified as a development opportunity for the rest of my life. I do, however, hold myself accountable to follow through on my words with tangible and meaningful actions. For some, spoken words are arbitrarily vocalized as aspirational, unintentional, and self-serving statements. Fragmented sentences without substance, character, intent, or consequence.
After 59 years of challenges, triumphs, and failures, I realize those pivotal detours were required to reset my direction, mindset, and footsteps. Today, I look in the mirror reflectively at the battle scars from my life and smile gratefully. Through impaired vision in my left eye, I solemnly gaze at the beautiful scar covering the quarter-size hole on the right side of my head. At times I wonder if I should even be here but realize I should, and I am.
Nothing in life occurs by accident, luck, or chance. Everything is predetermined and reveals itself with unquestionable precision. There are no mistakes in life, just teachable moments when you believe. I would not trade my life events and circumstances for anything. So many incredible blessings were initially disguised as daunting obstacles.
I can finally say without hesitation, “I like the direction I’m growing and the person I am becoming.” With every part of my being, I now know that the most beneficial, comfortable, and impactful individual that I can be is ME. Although the journey continues, I have finally reached and am living in “my prime.”