Work is something that I do but it is not who I am. It does not define what is at my core. It’s just what I have to do to survive. A job, a position, my career. I’ve always poured everything into it, because that’s how I was raised and besides my effort is my brand. And that is where the opposites begin to attract. This thing we call “work” is a small but essential part of life.
Over time, things have slowly changed. Now, I am fortunate to be in a position to say “I love what I do”. Because I make my own choices and I have the final say.
I make a concerted effort to engage those industries that I value most and whose values align closely with mine. I now invest my remaining time and energy attempting to make an impact in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, life sciences, nonprofits and other organizations that save or improve the quality of people’s lives.
It’s a liberating aurora that permeates through my mind, body and soul. Many have confirmed “man, you look so at peace, relaxed and confident”. After 59 years, I can finally look in the mirror and I have to concur. I guess I am, all of those things, now.
Over time the gap between what I do and who I am has all but vanished. Those disparate lines have completely blurred into one that strategically converges around people, relationships and impact. I am a better person and grateful for this evolution. Excited, anxious and blessed each day I awake.
Amen 🙏